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Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs

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Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs - front view
Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs - front viewInjector tips iSi, 4 pcs - usage suggestion 1Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs - usage suggestion 2Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs - usage suggestion 3Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs - usage suggestion 4Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs - product package
Availability:In stock
The product is ready to ship immediately.
Stock:> 10 pcs
Price: 21,00 €
VAT:21 %
Country of origin: Austria
The iSi injector tips are ideal for decorating, filling food, liquid injections as well as marinating, pricking and pickling. Please use the pin nozzles exclusively with original iSi devices.

The iSi injector tips are ideal for decorating, filling food, liquid injections as well as marinating, pricking and pickling. Please use the pin nozzles exclusively with original iSi devices. For use with iSi Gourmet Whip and iSi Thermo Whip. The nozzles are made of 100% stainless steel and are dishwasher safe.


  • short nozzle (3 mm) - decorating and filling
  • short nozzle (5 mm) - whipping and pastry preparation
  • long nozzle (3 mm) - marinating, injection, basting
  • long nozzle (5 mm) - filling

Package contents

Type Diameter Length
short pin nozzle 3 mm 40 mm
short pin nozzle 5 mm 30 mm
long pin nozzle 3 mm 110 mm
long pin nozzle 5 mm 110 mm
4 protective covers


When handling whipper when the nozzle is attached, especially when shaking the whipper, be very careful and follow the safety rules.

Contact the manufacturer

iSi GmbH
Kürschnergasse 4
1210 Vienna


Comments to Injector tips iSi, 4 pcs

23.11.2021 22:48

idu injekcne trysky dat aj na flasu isi cream profi whip? Dakujem.

23.11.2021 22:53
Bedřich Černý | Šľahá

Dobrý deň, injekčné trysky môžete použiť aj na šľahačkovú fľašu iSi CREAM PROFI WHIP.

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