New year: Orders made between 03/01/2025 to 25/01/2025 will be shipped every Monday and Thursday. Exact shipping date may be found in product details.
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iSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - bottle with gas-filling head
iSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - bottle with gas-filling headiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - bottle with capiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - main view of gas-filling headiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - inserting charger into the gas-filling headiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - securing charger in the gas-filling headiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - secured charger in the gas-filling headiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - product contentiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - product packageiSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit - usage suggestion
Availability:In stock
The product is ready to ship immediately.
Stock:> 10 pcs
Shippable:Monday 20.01.2025
Price: 48,30 €
VAT:21 %
Country of origin: Austria
Give water life and clumsy soda-makers goodbye. TWIST & SPARKLE is here!

For easily carbonating water and juices and for preparing carbonated cocktail creations with or without alcohol. iSi Twist‘n Sparkle is bubbling over with ideas!

It is very easy to use. Fill the bottle with pure water (max. 950 ml) or another drink (max. 720 ml), insert the CO2 soda charger into the head, screw it onto the bottle, wait 1 minute for the gas to saturate the contents of the bottle and unscrew the head. Done!


  • The iSi Twist´n Sparkle offers much more than just soda: It isn‘t just water that can be carbonated - juices, coffee, tea, fermented drinks and wine
  • Water with fresh fruits, herbs and syrups can also be freshly carbonated. Your drink simply sparkles with a natural taste - nothing artificial here
  • Handy, space-saving and easy to store
  • Immediately ready for use: Each iSi Twist´n Sparkle comes with 6 iSi Soda Chargers.

Product Features:

  • Robust, transparent and refillable PET bottle - completely BPA-free and phthalate-free
  • iSi Soda Chargers are made of 100% recyclable steel
  • Additional iSi Twist´n Sparkle sparkling bottles are available for purchase
  • For cold preparations only
  • Not dishwasher safe
Kit includes
Twist & Sparkle system
bottle 950 ml
6 pcs chargers CO2
instructions for use

Contact the manufacturer

iSi GmbH
Kürschnergasse 4
1210 Vienna


Accessories - iSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit

View details - Soda chargers 8.4 g, 10 pcs

In stock
Price incl. VAT0,50 € / pc
5,00 €
View details - Soda chargers 7.5 g, 10 pcs

In stock
Price incl. VAT0,29 € / pc
2,90 €
View details - Soda chargers 7.5 g, 25 pcs

In stock
Price incl. VAT0,28 € / pc
7,10 €

Comments to iSi TWIST & SPARKLE Starter Kit

31.5.2018 10:27

Je mozne pouzit aj vratne bombicky, napr. Sifos?

31.5.2018 10:44
Bedřich Černý | Šľahá

Dobrý deň, všetky naše sifónové fľaše vrátane TWIST & SPARKLE sú určené iba na jednorazové (znovu nenaplniteľné) sifónové bombičky.

24.5.2020 16:31
Petr Hofschnaidr

Dobrý den,
je v pořádku, že po dotažení hlavice a fouknutí plynu do lahve s vodou dochází krátce k slabému úniku plynu mezi hrdlem lahve a hlavicí ( jako by to netěsnilo )? V demonstračním promovideu to není slyšet, protože k tomu hraje hudba. Jinak - sifon je opravdu lahodný a osvěžující, jen lehce perlivý, přesně tak jak to mám rád.
Děkuji za odpověď.

24.5.2020 16:41
Bedřich Černý | Šlehá

Dobrý den, po proražení bombičky a následném vpuštění plynu do vody dojde k procesu perlení, ale zároveň během něj uchází z láhve přebytečný plyn přes přetlakový ventil. Je to tak správně, jinak by nešlo sejmout hlavici výrobníku z láhve, která by byla jinak pod tlakem.

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